I was born into a family of two parents and four teenage half- siblings. My memories are of playing with them, attending their sports events, and thinking that they were not so much older than me. My brothers and sisters virtually disappeared when they went to college, but I failed to notice because I was a child beginning to focus on my own life. The thought that my siblings were off becoming adults never entered my mind. Suddenly one day I realized that the same four rambunctious teenagers I had once played with had become a leading attorney for Yahoo!, a psychiatrist, a stock broker, and a business manager. Not to mention my two half- sisters are wives and mothers. At that moment I made the connection between adolescence and adulthood. In the blink of an eye, from my perspective, four carefree teenagers blossomed into responsible adults with important positions in society. I was struck by the realization that I too would one day grow into a mature adult with the power to make a difference.
Forgetting that the future of society rests in teenagers' hands is all too easy for middle- aged adults. To them, teenagers seem too immature and naive to ever be leaders. 17th century British statesman and author Lord Chesterfield once said, "Young men are apt to think themselves wise enough, as drunken men are apt to think themselves sober enough." While adolescents sometimes act like they know more than they possibly could, is this state of mind not better than the state of mind that they know nothing at all and are completely lost and hopeless? Is a confident teenager not more likely to succeed than one with no self-assurance whatsoever? No offense to Lord Chesterfield, but I do not think that is the case. Rather, I believe that adults should foster confidence over a lack of it. A confident teenager will not be afraid to strive toward his or her goals and will stop at nothing to achieve them, and these are the type of people that will serve as the best leaders of the future. Why are today's adolescents dragged down by eating disorders, violence, and risky behavior? These issues will most likely lead the affected adolescents to be much less effective members of society in the future. I believe that they are not being given the correct combination of expectation, encouragement, and opportunity to avoid these setbacks.
In an earlier post, I mentioned Diana Baumrind's definition of four styles of parenting. The authoritative style is characterized by high responsiveness and high demandingness, and is proven to lead to responsibility, self-assuredness, creativity, and academic success. If all parents studied Baumrind's types of parenting and tried to model themselves after the authoritative parenting model, many adolescents would be more confident, responsible, and successful. Indulgence, permissiveness, and excessive rigidity in parenting lead to decreased self-confidence, decreased achievement, and increased occurrence of risky behaviors. Because of this, parents must realize that the way in whic

The future as manifested by adolescents is not only in the hands of parents. The government must also take responsibility for giving adolescents optimal opportunities to grow into mature, capable adults. The No Child Left Behind Act has made some efforts to optimize education by making schools accountable for achievement on tests, but the act is highly controversial among educators who are skeptical of the homogenization of education required. Educator Steve Araboa likens NCLB to a football program by saying, "All teams (students) must win the championship. If a team does not win the championship, they will be on probation until they are the champions, and coaches (teachers) will be held accountable. If, after two years, they have not won the championship, their footballs and equipment (state and federal funds) will be taken away until they do win the championship." Because of these drawbacks to NCBL, it is currently undergoing revision to make the act more flexible. Forcing schools and adolescents to adhere to such strict curricula is a mistake. As evidenced by Araboa, teachers are losing interest in education, and so are the students.
Markova said that parents must help their children love to learn, but how can children love to learn if the teachers are disenchanted and the material is cut and dry? The government should take a look at some of the essays on the This I Believe site, such as an essay by Henry that proposes that boys should be given educational video

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